torsdag 20 maj 2010

Warm Day

Finally, yesterday was the first warm day of the year, like 24 degrees in the sun. Wonderful.

I worked as usual, came home and almost went to the gym and did a 40 minute arm run, it was a nice one, after that it was off home, i ate 2 eggs and some carrots after.

Then one apple about 11700, the big meal contained of a big pizza with alot of sallad, OK, its not permited by the rulebook of Operation Overload but sometimes when you feel that you deserve one, you just have to do it. It says so in the book anyway ;)

Finished the day with the 100-Pushups app, its pretty great, i can feel how many more i can do everytime i do it.
I am even getting some definition on my muscles. Cool stuff.

Well, off to work now, have a great day out there!

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