torsdag 13 maj 2010


Even though i am on my "Project Overload" i sure need some rest.

Today and tommorow i will chill out and take it easy. I came to think of some rest when i woke up today and realized that i have had a constant musclesoreness for about 3-4 weeks, in my legs, back, arms, calfs, breast and so on. CONSTANT!
Its annoying actually.
But it is also good because that means that i have done some nice training in various new ways, and the body says "hey, do you feel this?"..

I will spend these two day just stretching and trying to fix all these muscle issues before the weekend comes.

The bell wasnt in yesterday but thats fine, i will recieve it in a couple of days anyway. Its all gooood!


Yesterday i ate 3 apples and drank 2 cups of coffee plus some peanuts from 0500-2000. The nuts are not enhanced in any way, they are just NUTS.

And right before the training i drank some whey protein that kept me going until it was time for chickentacos, ate a whole bunch (lost count of how many actually).

Off to stretch some and then play some Xbox360 :)