torsdag 15 april 2010


Finally, the last day of the week is comming and im lovin it, sure, i quit my job pretty late (like 1845) and i will come home late, but when i come home Magnus, Payam and my dear Jessica is going to join in watching "The Zone FC: Evolution" on TV.

Its a fighting event that i watched one month ago and now its comming to TV, my trainer is fighting and it was en awesome fight, i will link a U-Tube clip when avaiable.

Right now i just ate Tuna-Sallad with a chickenroll, got damn good and it feels nice, im not full but im satisfied.

For now i will give my girl some love and then im off to the Xbox360 to play some.

Talking about 360s, today we had alot of 360 defences against knifes and punches, aswell as knife defences kick style. Krav is fun and great. :)

Enjoy. Now, rest.

Better day

The time is almost 1100 and i am preparing to go to work, but first i will go by the barbor and get a haircut, or trim my hair, i really dont know what look i should go for this year but i think ill stay with the same as last year, and the year before that, and before that.. etc.

The one who got me inspired for a mohawk haircut was actually Vaako from the chronicles of Riddick, i like the hairstyle, maybe not the pony tail but something like that got me interessted. (google the picture yourselves).

Anways, after that im off to work, then to krav and then maybe to the gym, it depends on if my friend is comming or not, i promised to go with him.
And as the honest to earth man i am, i will keep that promise!

For now, peace.