But as everything in my life, it is going to be O.K. I just need to hang on and take it easy and one day at the time.
Anyway, the Warrior diet is working fine, you don´t need to worry about me. I am not quitting that easy, there are still a lot of things that i have not tried yet while on the diet but the real test is going to come this summer when i arrive to my homeland Poland.
There is going to be a lot of food, all the time, and much of that to. I am a big fan of polish food and i love it. There will be no warrior diet for one week. I simply cant say no to grandmas wonderful egg-breakfast and my aunts chicken with potatoes.
Wonder how the body is going to react though, interesting.
Well, time to go off to work. Here is a picture of me when i weighed about 15 Kg s more then i do now.
Sv: Hej! Well,sakta men säkert började mitt gå-ner-i-vikt- projekt i mars ordentligt- Började motionera hemma, sedan gymmet, nu gym & powerwalks, slutade röka vid årsskiftet också. Åt vanligt i början och har nu mer och mer hamnat på en GI diet som fungerar bra. Jag lär mig hela tiden. Det är en långsam process men det gör ingenting, jag lär mig mycket :)