A guy that lives life to the full, and want every part of it to feel right and good, specially for my bodys sake.
Follow my journey towards the ultimate warriorstyle body and condition from being a typical Swedish Mr Smith.
I will update as often as i can, with pictures, status, weight and progress with the diet.
Warrior diet is a way of life, a way of living and eating like your body was ment to do from the good old times.
Forget about eating all the time, the warrior diet focus on undereating (fasting) for a whole 20 hours, and overeating the last 4 hours of the day, feasting of all the good food you can, and get some well deserved rest that you need after a days hard work.
Automaticlly your body will become its rightful self and start alot of processes in your body, that will boost your sexual drive, strength, power, stability, stamina and make you more alert of the situations that you face everyday.
Your body will become stronger, harder, leaner and sharper, in both physical and mental ways.
Does it sound unbelivible? Follow my journey and see for yourself.