One week ago my weight was 97 kgs, or 96,8 to be exact.
Today i stood on the wave and the magic number was..
(drumroll please)
92,6 Kgs
That is 4 kgs that ive lost in one week. It feels great, already looking forward toward next sundays weigh-in! Stay tuned.
Todays undereating-snacks are the following:
2 Cups of Coffee
2 Apples
1 Glas grapefruitjuice (from a real grapefruit ofcourse)
And when overeating:
Pancakes (alot :) )
Talk about lovin it.
Tommorow i will be leaving to Stockholm for 2 days, its pretty sad cause i will miss two days of krav-training. But ill catch up on the saturday training.
The upside is that there is one really good delicious burgerplace in Stockholm where i eat whenever im there, its really good. Looking forward to that juice burger on Monday evenings overeating!
So the blog will be on a standstill until Wednesday. Until then.
Carpe Diem!