tisdag 16 mars 2010


Have no fear, i am not actually eating lunch, its an apple and some nuts that keep me from an all-eating frenzy.

Trust me, i love to eat. And i do it alot under my 4 hours of overeating. The problem is that those 4 hours go by so fast, and there is always so much food to eat. But i manage to eat alot.

Before i went to work i prepared some Tzatsiki, and marinated meat with baked potato. Its going to taste sooooo good.
The food actually tastes better when you only eat it once a day. Its awesome.

I dont feel any deprivement of any sort either, i eat on a regular basis, and when i undereat i still go with, nuts, coffe and fruits, sometimes vegetables but not that often, i eat those on the overeating phase. It works for me pretty good.

Now its time to go off to work, on Thursday-Friday i will be in Stockholm and working some more, its not fun but i need the money.
