torsdag 22 april 2010


Ive lost about 7 kgs off body mass, although i feel as big as i did before, and i feel stronger as well, more agile and i have alot of energy, dont have the need to feed to get some energy, an apple and some nuts is all that i need right now, its great. No hunger any more.

I am going to miss the Krav tonight, no worries though, ill back it up with some gym with a friend instead later on the evening, after that its time to go home and sleep, for tommorow i need to wake up at around 5 to get to work. Rough shit but i rather quit work 1230 then 1845 on a Friday..

Days go by very fast and im looking forward to this summer with alot of friends, foods and relaxing.

Barbeque, MEAT! MEAT and potatoes, and bread, and so much food. Damn. Good stuff!

I think that Friday is going to be a restday, and Saturday aswell, but maybe some vibram running that will enchance the day.

Need to burn that stubborn fat!

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