torsdag 18 februari 2010

Shoot me again, i aint dead yet

Sorry that i have been so lousy on the updates but i have had one weeks vacation, i have done alot of things, and one thing that i havent been doing is updating the blog.

Nothing new on the warrior-front though. I now weigh a stable 90 kgs, pretty comfortable.

Ive eaten alot of food as usual, stuff like vegeteble pie, panncakes, chicken, beef and so on. Nuts and kiwis as well. Coffee and alot of vitamines and minerals.

What else has been happening. WELL. Rammstein happened, that show was awesome, great music with great sceneshow makes it a show well worth its money.

Metaltown is comming to Gothenburg (as it does every year) this summer and Rammstein is the biggest guest comming, so ofcourse i bought tickets, you can see me in the front, headbanging my head off.

And about the pictures of me, they are in the computer just waiting for editing.

On the training front it have not been that good either. Back pain, knee injuries and trips to Stockholm made me inactive from the Krav the past two weeks and i can feel it, i have less energy and i just feel bad. I need my training to feel good. But hopefully my back will be better for tonight and the next sessions, and so on and so on.

Jessica have begun to swim and im happy for her, she loves it though alot of idiots that is in the bathhouse as well. When the spring hits us in a couple of months we both are going to run, its going to be great.

And then the gym awaits, maybe kettlebells as well. Its going to be nice.


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