måndag 18 januari 2010

Got damn it!

Facking shit guys\girls. I managed to delete my two former bloggpost by mistake.

Note to self: Dont try to blog on the iphone again.

People keep asking me "why are your blog in English dude? Your swedish for gods sake!"

Well its one reason and one only. I want my cousins in England to follow this blog, and because they are Polish and live in England, they dont have so much Swedish to read\talk over there. So i hope they are happy. And i really hope that they are reading this.

Anyways. First day is over, today i managed the whole day on just 2 apples,2 cups of coffee and som nuts.
Even the Krav Maga went well tonight, i felt energetic like a duracelllbunny! Hell yeah! Maybe its my body who is in total panic or something?

It is kind of hard to let go of that "im hungry must eat"-feeling i must admit, but i will get over it. Not that im THAT hungry, but i can feel the feeling for sure.

Right now im waiting for my food to get ready, chicken with pasta and mushroomsoup for apetiser!(apetizer? Apeticer? fuck. Dont know the real spelling. Must google).

Jessica (my dear girlfriend) took some pictures of me, i cant say that im that good lookin but i will try to upload them soon.

On this day 100118, i weigh is 97 kgs exactly.

Well, off to foodtime and overeating. Yes.

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